So there was this Pho King idea…

Had a little fun and made a P.O.P. for a factious Vietnamese restaurant called, “Pho King.” The custom type signage was made of foam while the rest of the veggies were made of felt. To create the bowl, I used a foam ball and drenched it in glitter. From there, I hollowed it out to create the look of a bowl. Now for the noodles, I wanted to keep it simple and found a thick yarn that was perfect to give a noodle-like effect. As for the tray that it all stood on, it’s composed of a picture wooden picture frame with wooden door knobs as legs!

For chopsticks, I used little skewers so that it would be proportionate to actual bowl. And when you take a closer look you bet I included all the fixing you would find in an authentic pho dish. Green onions, mint leaves, bean sprouts, onions, and thin beef slices!

This one was quite fun to make!


That one time I made a video game…