That one time I made a video game…

This one time, my agency asked me to make a Christmas card. And of course, I was like how about I make a video game instead? AND how about I make a trailer for it too! At that point it was over for me. I knew I was going to make things harder for myself and I should have made the card instead. But here we were. The idea was a 2013-themed version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,’ and you had to save Wunderland but it was filled with yetis, zombie elves, snowmen, and maybe Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball.

And of course, these elements were custom, paper cut outs because I wanted a hand crafted feel. Why didn’t I just photoshop that “feel” you may ask…no one would have known you would say…well, I would have known and my creative soul wouldn’t have been able to make it through the holidays.

After my hand was dead from all the cut outs, we had a photo session to capture everything to be digitalized it into a game. The game turned out to be pretty fun. But my favorite part is looking back at the BTS photos. Check out all the fun we had.

It was probably the most ridiculous Christmas card I’ve ever made but I have no regrets. YOU HEAR THAT SANTA!


Who doesn’t want a Cannes?


So there was this Pho King idea…